Thursday, November 15, 2012


Here am I

our heart beats
Here am I when your heart beats

you process them o the star of this world.

I fear

I fear

~ ____ I fear to sleep. . . that would remind
~ ____ I fear to wake up. . . that will require
~ ____ I fear to die. . . they will forget
~ ____ I fear to live. . . too fancy. . . . .  .


Stuck next to you
How free I am
Where before yourself
Then, where to stop?

Don't notice me
I have gluttony
I feel stuck in you
Thirst and hunger.

You give me everything
Sme do fukara
I don't know that you have me
"Stupid" lover!

Beauty is in the running horse
Floral beauty is in lulzim
The beauty of snow is in nature
The beauty of the sun's warmth
Jon beauty is in love